Voyent Alert!

Maximize Your Workflow


When an incident impacts your workforce, you need to make smart decisions to prioritize the safety of your employees. Voyent Alert! provides your staff with time-sensitive, eye-catching notifications that go beyond just SMS text to help your organization and team respond quickly and maintain business operations.

Be in total control over your messaging, from coordinating work schedules and company-wide announcements to emergency fire evacuations and more. Keep your people in the know and out of harm’s way.

The Voyent Alert!Advantage

Attention Grabbing

Colour-coded enriched alerts purposely capture your employees attention with engaging data like personalized maps, photos, pdfs, and hyperlinks. Provide more context to your staff in less time, so they can make better-informed decisions.

Signal for Safety

Give your remote field staff the power to initiate an emergency alert at their site within seconds. Keep everyone aware of ongoing situations with personalized map directions to muster points, distances from the incident, and essential safety information.

Reduce Costs

Save time, money, and resources with an easy-to-use digital platform that’s tailored to your needs and streamlines communications to improve operational performance.

Trusted by Hundreds of CompaniesAcross North America

Expect More From YourEmployee Notification System

Personalized User Experience

Easily add personalized maps, photos, and the distance and direction to an incident to create engaging communications that provide more context to your employees in less time.

Real WorldApplications

WHAT OTHERCompanies and Employers ARE SAYING

Reach the people You needWhen it Matters

Voyent Alert! is your all-in-one digital solution for streamlining workplace safety and communications between your staff. Find out why hundreds of companies across North America are choosing Voyent Alert!

See forYourself

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Stay Alert. Stay Connected.


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