Solutions for Municipalities


Your citizens count on you to provide the most accurate, up-to-date, and relevant information about the issues and incidents that impact their daily lives. With Voyent Alert!, you can not only meet these expectations, but exceed them.

Enhance theEveryday

With our enriched alerts, you can take public notifications to an entirely new level. Far beyond simple text notifications, Voyent Alert! lets you attach rich media that could include PDF versions of public notices, image maps indicating changes to transit routes, and even specific map pins to mark the location of planned road work.


Citizens are often frustrated when they encounter interruptions to their daily lives that they were not aware of. Road closures, utility disruptions, and closed or reduced service hours for municipal operations are just some of the common sources of ire.

But with Voyent Alert! and its enhanced geofencing module, you can ensure the right people get the right information at the right time, notifying them of incidents that may affect them. You can set distance-triggered alerts that warn commuters when they’re approaching a traffic snarl, or, if a watermain break affects a certain neighbourhood, you can notify only citizens who are residents there.

Save Time& Money

Beyond the ability to schedule alerts up to two years in advance, Voyent Alert! comes packaged with pre-designed templates that help you get information out fast without errors. An extensive suite of default template styles can be used, customized, or created to meet your specific needs. Placeholders within the templates ensure that critical information is not left out of an alert.  All templates are configurable and editable as part of the alert generation sequence. 

And the unique software-as-a-service pricing model ensures that, above the base subscription, you only pay for the number of users registered and the number of messages you send. This gives you unparalleled control over the amount of budget you need to commit to deploying citizen communications.

Mass notification system for first responders

Improve Productivity& Response

Voyent Alert! isn’t just designed for the citizens you serve. Through our revolutionary group and team communication module, you can specify alert groups and deliver tailored messages only to them. These groups could be all of City Council, a specific fire battalion, or even a road crew working on a specific project.

And in an emergency response, the two-way communication feature allows a one-touch response from those in the field to indicate their availability and estimated arrival time.


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